The credit crisis has all the number of people affected will go on holiday next year, a decline much more than this year. With the right precautions you can ensure you go abroad next year. Attention to more spending and shop around for your offer, here are 20 tips to help you get that summer by plane or boat next.
Get Your Jabs at home - some clinics are provided for free trade to 70 € for their shots, which will give some clinicsfree.
Reach the cheaper airport - can be almost anything up to € 100, the airport, so you should look at public transportation to get you to the airport costs, one could also ask a friend or relative.
Do not overpay for parking at the airport - booking online your car you could save over 150 € to try some comparison sites.
Get your insurance at one time - if you travel abroad more than once a year, but for insurance each year and for the whole familyHow to save money.
Park and residence - can sometimes be cheaper to park work and stay at the hotel airport, airport parking lots of those actually alone.
Get EHIC card - it is a health card that can be used in the EU and not to reduce medical bills are not meant to be a substitute for travel insurance, but will cost more.
Take a packed lunch - this is clearly a ploy to save money, some airlines charge as much as £ 4 for a sandwich and £ 2.50for a bottle of water, so you buy a drink at the last possible point in the airport.